Monday, March 11, 2013

1303.1965 (Cheng Li et al.)

Detection of the large scale alignment of massive galaxies at z~0.6    [PDF]

Cheng Li, Y. P. Jing, A. Faltenbacher, Jie Wang
We report on the detection of the alignment between galaxies and large-scale structure at z~0.6 based on the CMASS galaxy sample from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopy Survey data release 9. We use two statistics to quantify the alignment signal: 1) the alignment two-point correlation function which probes the dependence of galaxy clustering at a given separation in redshift space on the projected angle (theta_p) between the orientation of galaxies and the line connecting to other galaxies, and 2) the cos(2theta)-statistic which estimates the average of cos(2theta_p) for all correlated pairs at given separation s. We find significant alignment signal out to about 70 Mpc/h in the alignment correlation function, while the signal extends up to 120 Mpc/h when probed with the cos(2theta)-statistics. Applications of the same statistics to dark matter halos of mass above 10^12 M_sun/h in a large cosmological simulation show similar scale-dependent alignment signals to the observation, but with higher amplitudes at all scales probed. We show that this discrepancy may be partially explained by a misalignment angle between central galaxies and their host halos, though detailed modeling is needed in order to better understand the link between the orientations of galaxies and host halos. In addition, we find systematic trends of the alignment statistics with the stellar mass of the CMASS galaxies. More massive galaxies are more strongly aligned with the large-scale structure and the effect extends to larger scales at higher masses.
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