Robert A. Crain, Ian G. McCarthy, Joop Schaye, Carlos S. Frenk, Tom Theuns
Models of galaxy formation in a CDM universe predict that massive galaxies are surrounded by a hot, quasi-hydrostatic circumgalactic corona of slowly cooling gas, predominantly accreted from the IGM. This prediction is borne out by the cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of Crain et al., which reproduce scaling relations between the X-ray and optical properties of nearby disc galaxies. Such coronae are metal poor, but observations of the X-ray emitting circumgalactic medium (CGM) of local galaxies typically indicate enrichment to near-solar iron abundance, potentially signalling a shortcoming in galaxy formation models. We show here that, while the hot CGM of galaxies formed in the simulations is metal poor in a mass-weighted sense, its X-ray luminosity-weighted metallicity is often close to solar. This bias arises because the soft X-ray emissivity of a typical 0.1 keV corona is dominated by collisionally-excited metal ions that are synthesised in stars and recycled into the hot CGM. We find that these metals are ejected primarily by stars that form in-situ to the main progenitor of the galaxy, rather than in satellites or external galaxies. The enrichment of the hot CGM therefore proceeds in an inside-out fashion throughout the assembly of the galaxy: metals are transported from the central galaxy by SNe-driven winds and convection over several gigayears, establishing a strong negative radial metallicity gradient. Whilst metal ions synthesised by stars are necessary to produce the X-ray emissivity that enables the hot CGM of isolated galaxies to be detected, the electrons that collisionally excite them are equally important. Since our simulations indicate that the electron density of hot coronae is dominated by the metal-poor gas accreted from the IGM, we infer that the hot CGM observed via X-ray emission is the outcome of both hierarchical accretion and stellar recycling.
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