Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0333 (Chao-Qiang Geng et al.)

Singularity Problem in Teleparallel Dark Energy Models    [PDF]

Chao-Qiang Geng, Je-An Gu, Chung-Chi Lee
We study the singularity problem in teleparallel dark energy models. A future singularity may occur due to the non-minimal coupling of the dark energy scalar field to teleparallel gravity that effectively changes the gravitational coupling strength and can even make it diverge. This singularity may be avoided by a binding-type self-potential that keeps the scalar field away from the singularity point. For demonstration we analyze the model with a quadratic potential and show how the (non)occurrence of the singularity depends on the initial conditions and the steepness of the potential, both of which affect the competition between the self-interaction and the non-minimal coupling. To examine the capability of the binding-type potential to fit observational data and meanwhile to avoid the singularity, we perform the data fitting for this model and show that the observationally viable region up to the $3\sigma$ confidence level is free of the future singularity.
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