Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1306.3999 (Tom Banks et al.)

Holographic Fluctuations from Unitary de Sitter Invariant Field Theory    [PDF]

Tom Banks, Willy Fischler, T. J. Torres, Carroll L. Wainwright
We continue the study of inflationary fluctuations in Holographic Space Time models of inflation. We argue that the holographic theory of inflation provides a physical context for what is often called dS/CFT. The holographic theory is a quantum theory which, in the limit of a large number of e-foldings, gives rise to a field theory on $S^3$, which is the representation space for a unitary representation of SO(1,4). This is not a conventional CFT, and we do not know the detailed non-perturbative axioms for correlation functions. However, the two- and three-point functions are completely determined by symmetry, and coincide up to a few constants (really functions of the background FRW geometry) with those calculated in a single field slow-roll inflation model. The only significant deviation from slow roll is in the tensor fluctuations. We predict zero tensor tilt and roughly equal weight for all three conformally invariant tensor 3-point functions (unless parity is imposed as a symmetry). We discuss the relation between our results and those of Maldacena, McFadden, Skenderis, and others. Current data can be explained in terms of symmetries and a few general principles, and is consistent with a large class of models, including HST.
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