Friday, December 9, 2011

1112.1698 (Greg Stinson et al.)

Confronting Simulations with the Observed CGM at z=0    [PDF]

Greg Stinson, Chris Brook, J. Xavier Prochaska, Joe Hennawi, Andrew Pontzen, Sijing Shen, James Wadsley, Hugh Couchman, Tom Quinn, Andrea V. Macciò, Brad K. Gibson
We explore the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of two simulated star-forming galaxies with luminosities $L \approx 0.1$ and $1 L^\star$ generated using the smooth particle hydrodynamic code {\sc GASOLINE}. For each galaxy, we have implemented two prescriptions for supernovae feedback: a "low feedback" (LF) model which has strength comparable to other implementations in the literature and a "high feedback" (HF) model that has a higher incidence of massive stars and an $\approx 2\times$ higher energy input per supernova. Aside from the the low mass halo using LF, each galaxy exhibits a metal-enriched CGM that extends to approximately the virial radius. A significant portion of this gas has been shock-heated to $T \sim 10^{5.5}\,$K and is predicted to give rise to substantial \iovi\ absorption. These models also predict a reservoir of cool \ihi\ clouds that show strong \lya\ absorption to several hundred kpc. Comparing these models to recent surveys with the {\it Hubble Space Telescope}, we find that only the HF models have sufficient \iovi\ and \ihi\ gas in the CGM to reproduce the observed distributions. In separate analysis, these same HF models also offer better agreement to other galaxy observables (e.g.\ the stellar mass-halo mass relation). We infer that the CGM holds the dominant reservoir of baroyns for galaxy halos.
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