Friday, December 23, 2011

1112.5186 (Rosa Consiglio et al.)

On the Number of Cosmic Strings in Dark Energy Cosmologies    [PDF]

Rosa Consiglio, Olga Sazhina, Giuseppe Longo, Mikhail Sazhin, Franco Pezzella
The number of cosmic strings in the observable universe is relevant in determining the probability to detect the presence of cosmic strings through their gravitational signatures. In particular, we refer to the observation of gravitational lensing events and anisotropy in the CMB radiation induced by cosmic strings. In this paper a simple method is adopted to obtain an approximate estimate of the number of segments of cosmic strings, crossing the particle horizon, which fall inside the visible (i. e. observed) part of the universe. We show that a different choice of the CDM cosmological model, which affects volumes slightly, does actually have only a small weight on the expected number of cosmic string segments
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