Friday, December 23, 2011

1112.5430 (Isabella Masina et al.)

Standard Model false vacuum Inflation: correlating the tensor-to-scalar ratio to the top and Higgs masses    [PDF]

Isabella Masina, Alessio Notari
For a narrow band of values of the top quark and Higgs boson masses, the Standard Model Higgs potential develops a false minimum at energies of about $10^{16}$ GeV, where primordial Inflation could have happened. A graceful exit to a radiation dominated era is provided e.g. by scalar-tensor gravity models. We pointed out that if Inflation happened in this false minimum, the Higgs boson mass has to be in the range $126.0 \pm 3.5$ GeV, where ATLAS and CMS subsequently reported excesses of events. Here we show that for these values of the Higgs mass, the inflationary gravitational wave background has be discovered with a tensor-to-scalar ratio at hand of future experiments. We suggest that combining cosmological observations with measurements of the top and Higgs masses represents a further test of the hypothesis that the Standard Model false minimum was the source of Inflation in the Universe.
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