Friday, February 3, 2012

1202.0174 (Alexander Y. Kamenshchik et al.)

Classical and quantum Big Brake cosmology for scalar field and tachyonic models    [PDF]

Alexander Y. Kamenshchik, Serena Manti
We have studied a relation between the cosmological singularities in classical and quantum theory, comparing the classical and quantum dynamics in two models possessing the Big Brake singularity - the model based on a scalar field and one based on a tachyon field model. It was shown that in the tachyon model, the wave function of the universe is not obliged to vanish at the values of the variables, corresponding to the appearance of the classical Big Brake singularity. There is some kind of a classical - quantum correspondence, because as it was shown before, in the classical cosmological tachyon model exists an infinite one-parameter set of the cosmological evolutions, encountering and crossing the Big Brake singularity. In all the other cases - the Big Brake singularity in the scalar field model and the Big Bang and the Big Crunch singularities in both the tachyon and scalar field models we have observed the phenomenon of the quantum avoidance of singularities. It corresponds to the degeneration of the corresponding cosmological trajectories in classical theory.
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