Friday, February 24, 2012

1202.5178 (Ben Rathaus et al.)

CMB Lensing and Giant Rings    [PDF]

Ben Rathaus, Nissan Itzhaki
We study the CMB lensing signature of a pre-inationary particle (PIP), assuming it is responsible for the giant rings anomaly that was found recently in the WMAP data. Simulating Planck-like data we find that generically the CMB lensing signal to noise ratio associated with such a PIP is quite small and it would be difficult to cross correlate the temperature giant rings with the CMB lensing signal. However, if the pre-inationary particle is also responsible for the bulk flow, that happens to point roughly at the same direction as the giant rings, then the CMB lensing signal to noise ratio is fairly significant, $>2 \sigma$.
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