Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1102.4851 (David J. E. Marsh)

The Axiverse Extended: Vacuum Destabilisation, Early Dark Energy and Cosmological Collapse    [PDF]

David J. E. Marsh
A model is presented in the philosophy of the "String Axiverse" of Arvanitaki et al (arXiv:0905.4720v2 [hep-th]) that incorporates a coupling of ultralight axions to their corresponding moduli through the mass term. The light fields roll in their potentials at late times and contribute to the dark sector energy densities in the cosmological expansion. The addition of a coupling and extra field greatly enrich the possible phenomenology of the axiverse. There are a number of interesting phases where the axion and modulus components behave as Dark Matter or Dark Energy and can have considerable and distinct effects on the expansion history of the universe by modifying the equation of state in the past or causing possible future collapse of the universe. In future such a coupling may help to alleviate fine tuning problems for cosmological axions. We motivate and present the model, and briefly explore its cosmological consequences numerically.
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