Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1211.4634 (M. Farhang et al.)

Constraints on perturbations to the recombination history from measurements of the CMB damping tail    [PDF]

M. Farhang, J. R. Bond, J. Chluba, E. R. Switzer
The primordial CMB at small angular scales is sensitive to the ionization and expansion history of the universe around the time of recombination. This dependence has been exploited to constrain the helium abundance and the effective number of relativistic species. Here we focus on allowed ionization fraction trajectories, $\Xe (z)$, by constraining low-order principal components of perturbations to the standard recombination scenario ($\Xe$-eigenmodes) in the circa 2011 SPT, ACT and WMAP7 data. Although the trajectories are statistically consistent with the standard recombination, we find that there is a tension similar to that found by varying the helium fraction. We find that the prior probabilities on the eigenamplitudes are substantially influenced by the requirement that $\Xe$ trajectories conserve electron number. We propose requiring a sufficient entropy decrease between posterior and prior marginalized distributions be used as an $\Xe$-mode selection criterion. We find that in the case of the 2011 SPT/ACT+WMAP7 data only two modes are constrainable, but upcoming ACTPol, Planck and SPTPol data will be able to test more modes and more precisely address the current tension.
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