Tuesday, January 31, 2012
1104.4447 (Roshina Nandra et al.)
The effect of a massive object on an expanding universe [PDF]
Roshina Nandra, Anthony N. Lasenby, Michael P. Hobson1104.4458 (Roshina Nandra et al.)
The effect of an expanding universe on massive objects [PDF]
Roshina Nandra, Anthony N. Lasenby, Michael P. Hobson1108.5161 (Stephen R. Taylor et al.)
Hubble without the Hubble: cosmology using advanced gravitational-wave detectors alone [PDF]
Stephen R. Taylor, Jonathan R. Gair, Ilya Mandel1110.0410 (Lydia Bieri et al.)
The Electromagnetic Christodoulou Memory Effect and its Application to Neutron Star Binary Mergers [PDF]
Lydia Bieri, PoNing Chen, Shing-Tung Yau1111.4594 (Koichi Hamaguchi et al.)
Boltzmann equation for non-equilibrium particles and its application to non-thermal dark matter production [PDF]
Koichi Hamaguchi, Takeo Moroi, Kyohei Mukaida1201.5892 (Mark Vogelsberger et al.)
Subhaloes in Self-Interacting Galactic Dark Matter Haloes [PDF]
Mark Vogelsberger, Jesus Zavala, Abraham Loeb1201.5899 (Eric I. Barnes et al.)
Entropy Production in Collisionless Systems. II. Arbitrary Phase-Space Occupation Numbers [PDF]
Eric I. Barnes, Liliya L. R. Williams1201.5902 (Paola Arias et al.)
WISPy Cold Dark Matter [PDF]
Paola Arias, Davide Cadamuro, Mark Goodsell, Joerg Jaeckel, Javier Redondo, Andreas Ringwald1201.5919 (J. S. Alcaniz et al.)
A cosmological concordance model with dynamical vacuum term [PDF]
J. S. Alcaniz, H. A. Borges, S. Carneiro, J. C. Fabris, C. Pigozzo, W. Zimdahl1201.5955 (Zhiqi Huang et al.)
Constraining inflation with future galaxy redshift surveys [PDF]
Zhiqi Huang, Licia Verde, Filippo Vernizzi1201.6010 (Emily K. McNeil-Moylan et al.)
Planetary nebula kinematics in NGC 1316: a young Sombrero [PDF]
Emily K. McNeil-Moylan, Kenneth C. Freeman, Magda Arnaboldi, Ortwin E. Gerhard1201.6037 (Konstantinos Dimopoulos et al.)
The hybrid curvaton [PDF]
Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Kazunori Kohri, Tomohiro Matsuda1201.6074 (N. R. Tanvir et al.)
Star formation in the early universe: beyond the tip of the iceberg [PDF]
N. R. Tanvir, A. J. Levan, A. S. Fruchter, J. P. U. Fynbo, J. Hjorth, K. Wiersema, M. N. Bremer, J. Rhoads, P. Jakobsson, P. T. O'Brien, E. R. Stanway, D. Bersier, P. Natarajan, J. Greiner, D. Watson, A. J. Castro-Tirado, R. A. M. J. Wijers, R. L. C. Starling, K. Misra, J. F. Graham1201.6101 (Evan J. Crawford et al.)
Radio Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds [PDF]
Evan J. Crawford, Miroslav D. Filipović, Ivan S. Bojicić, Martin Cohen, Jeff L. Payne, Ain Y. De Horta, Warren Reid1201.6107 (Juan Magaña et al.)
A brief Review of the Scalar Field Dark Matter model [PDF]
Juan Magaña, Tonatiuh Matos, Victor Robles, Abril Suárez1201.6108 (Holly E. Trowland et al.)
The cosmic history of the spin of dark matter haloes within the large scale structure [PDF]
Holly E. Trowland, Geraint F. Lewis, Joss Bland-Hawthorn1201.6109 (Dong-il Hwang et al.)
Bubble collision with gravitation [PDF]
Dong-il Hwang, Bum-Hoon Lee, Wonwoo Lee, Dong-han Yeom1201.6192 (Md. Wali Hossain et al.)
Do Observations Favour Galileon Over Quintessence? [PDF]
Md. Wali Hossain, Anjan A. Sen1201.6348 (Ingunn Kathrine Wehus et al.)
The effect of asymmetric beams on polarized spectral indices [PDF]
Ingunn Kathrine Wehus, Unni Fuskeland, Hans Kristian EriksenMonday, January 30, 2012
1109.1303 (Freddy Cueva Solano et al.)
Reconstruction of the interaction term between dark matter and dark energy using SNe Ia [PDF]
Freddy Cueva Solano, Ulises Nucamendi1201.5641 (Thorsten Tepper-García et al.)
Absorption signatures of warm-hot gas at low redshift: Broad Lyman-Alpha Absorbers [PDF]
Thorsten Tepper-García, Philipp Richter, Joop Schaye, Craig M. Booth, Claudio Dalla Vecchia, Tom Theuns1201.5642 (Eros Vanzella et al.)
On The Detection Of Ionizing Radiation Arising From Star-Forming Galaxies At Redshift z ~ 3-4 : Looking For Analogs Of "Stellar Reionizers" [PDF]
Eros Vanzella, Yicheng Guo, Mauro Giavalisco, Andrea Grazian, Marco Castellano, Stefano Cristiani, Mark Dickinson, Adriano Fontana, Mario Nonino, Emanuele Giallongo, Laura Pentericci, Audrey Galametz, S. M. Faber, Henry C. Ferguson, Norman A. Grogin, Anton M. Koekemoer, Jeffrey Newman, Brian D. Siana1201.5644 (S. P. Ellingsen et al.)
First cosmological constraints on the proton-to-electron mass ratio from observations of rotational transitions of methanol [PDF]
S. P. Ellingsen, M. A. Voronkov, S. L. Breen, J. E. J. Lovell1201.5647 (A. J. López-Revelles et al.)
Ekpyrotic universes in $F(R)$ Hořava-Lifshitz gravity [PDF]
A. J. López-Revelles, Ratbay Myrzakulov, Diego Sáez-Gómez1201.5660 (G. Younes et al.)
Study of LINER sources with broad H(alpha) emission. Spectral energy distribution and multiwavelength correlations [PDF]
G. Younes, D. Porquet, B. Sabra, J. N. Reeves, N. Grosso1201.5662 (D. A. Ventimiglia et al.)
Temperature Structure and Mass-Temperature Scatter In Galaxy Clusters [PDF]
D. A. Ventimiglia, G. M. Voit, E. Rasia1201.5692 (P. Anders et al.)
How well do STARLAB and NBODY compare? II: Hardware and accuracy [PDF]
P. Anders, H. Baumgardt, E. Gaburov, S. Portegies Zwart1201.5695 (Michael Pagano et al.)
The 21cm Signature of a Cosmic String Loop [PDF]
Michael Pagano, Robert Brandenberger1201.5715 (Carlos F. Sopuerta et al.)
Approximate Waveforms for Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals: The Chimera Scheme [PDF]
Carlos F. Sopuerta, Nicolas Yunes1201.5736 (S. Desai et al.)
Optical followup of galaxy clusters detected by the South Pole Telescope [PDF]
S. Desai, R. Armstrong, M. L. N. Ashby, B. Bayliss, G. Bazin, B. Benson, E. Bertin, L. Bleem, M. Brodwin, A. Clochiatti, R. Foley, M. Gladders, A. H. Gonzalez, F. W. High, J. Liu, J. Mohr, A. Rest, J. Ruel, A. Saro, J. Song, B. Stalder, A. Stanford, C. Stubbs, A. Zenteno1201.5778 (Gero Juergens et al.)
Integrated Sachs-Wolfe tomography with orthogonal polynomials [PDF]
Gero Juergens, Bjoern Malte Schaefer1201.5779 (S. Plaszczynski et al.)
An hybrid approach to CMB lensing reconstruction on all-sky intensity maps [PDF]
S. Plaszczynski, A. Lavabre, L. Perotto, J-L Starck1201.5784 (Ewa L. Lokas et al.)
How to make an ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxy: tidal stirring of disky dwarfs with shallow dark matter density profiles [PDF]
Ewa L. Lokas, Stelios Kazantzidis, Lucio Mayer1201.5785 (R. Davies et al.)
Do stellar winds play a decisive role in feeding AGN? [PDF]
R. Davies, L. Burtscher, K. Dodds-Eden, G. Orban de Xivry1201.5794 (Sandrine Codis et al.)
Connecting the cosmic web to the spin of dark halos: implications for galaxy formation [PDF]
Sandrine Codis, Christophe Pichon, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz, Dmitry Pogosyan, Yohan Dubois, Thierry Sousbie1201.5834 (Mirian Fernández Lorenzo et al.)
The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies XI. A First Look at Isolated Galaxy Colors [PDF]
Mirian Fernández Lorenzo, Jack Sulentic, Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, Jose Enrique Ruiz, Jose Sabater, Susana Sánchez1201.5845 (Boudewijn F. Roukema et al.)
On the topological implications of inhomogeneity [PDF]
Boudewijn F. Roukema, Vincent Blanloeil1201.5852 (Sandro Scodeller et al.)
Detection of new point sources in WMAP 7 year data using internal templates and needlets [PDF]
Sandro Scodeller, Frode K. Hansen, Domenico MarinucciFriday, January 27, 2012
1010.1783 (D. Watson et al.)
A nearby GRB host prototype for z~7 Lyman-break galaxies: Spitzer-IRS and X-shooter spectroscopy of the host galaxy of GRB031203 [PDF]
D. Watson, J. French, L. Christensen, B. O'Halloran, M. Michałowski, J. Hjorth, D. Malesani, J. P. U. Fynbo, K. D. Gordon, J. M. Castro Cerón1103.5402 (Tomonori Totani et al.)
Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies in the AKARI All Sky Survey: Correlations with Galaxy Properties, and Their Physical Origin [PDF]
Tomonori Totani, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Masahiro Nagashima, Masakazu A. R. Kobayashi, Ryu Makiya1104.3096 (Salvatore Capozziello et al.)
Comprehensive cosmographic analysis by Markov Chain Method [PDF]
Salvatore Capozziello, Ruth Lazkoz, Vincenzo Salzano1109.1757 (M. Castellano et al.)
The blue UV slopes of z~4 Lyman break galaxies: implications for the corrected star formation rate density [PDF]
M. Castellano, A. Fontana, A. Grazian, L. Pentericci, P. Santini, A. Koekemoer, S. Cristiani, A. Galametz, S. Gallerani, E. Vanzella, K. Boutsia, S. Gallozzi, E. Giallongo, R. Maiolino, N. Menci, D. Paris1110.3973 (W. M. Stuckey et al.)
Modified Regge calculus as an explanation of dark energy [PDF]
W. M. Stuckey, T. J. McDevitt, M. Silberstein1201.5373 (Qian Yue et al.)
Dark Matter Search with sub-keV Germanium Detectors at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory [PDF]
Qian Yue, Henry T. Wong, for the CDEX-TEXONO Collaboration1201.5533 (Harry I. Ringermacher et al.)
On a Bipolar Model of Hyperbolic Geometry and its Relation to Hyperbolic Robertson-Walker Space [PDF]
Harry I. Ringermacher, Lawrence R. Mead1201.5375 (Enrico Pajer et al.)
A New Window on Primordial non-Gaussianity [PDF]
Enrico Pajer, Matias Zaldarriaga1201.5374 (Esfandiar Alizadeh et al.)
How to detect gravitational waves through the cross-correlation of the galaxy distribution with the CMB polarization [PDF]
Esfandiar Alizadeh, Christopher M. Hirata1201.5377 (Ricardo P. Schiavon et al.)
UV Properties of Galactic Globular Clusters with GALEX I. The Color-Magnitude Diagrams [PDF]
Ricardo P. Schiavon, Emanuele Dalessandro, Sangmo T. Sohn, Robert T. Rood, Robert W. O'Connell, Francesco R. Ferraro, Barbara Lanzoni, Giacomo Beccari, Soo-Chang Rey, Jaehyon Rhee, R. Michael Rich, Suk-Jin Yoon, Young-Wook Lee1201.5376 (Torgny Karlsson et al.)
The Chemical Signature of a Relic Star Cluster in the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy - Implications for Near-Field Cosmology [PDF]
Torgny Karlsson, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Ken Freeman, Joe Silk1201.5383 (Colin DeGraf et al.)
Growth of Early Supermassive Black Holes and the High-Redshift Eddington Ratio Distribution [PDF]
Colin DeGraf, Tiziana Di Matteo, Nishikanta Khandai, Rupert Croft1201.5384 (Martha L. Boyer et al.)
The Dust Budget of the SMC: Are AGB Stars the Primary Dust Source at Low Metallicity? [PDF]
Martha L. Boyer, S. Srinivasan, D. Riebel, I. McDonald, J. Th. van Loon, G. C. Clayton, K. D. Gordon, M. Meixner, B. A. Sargent, G. C. Sloan1201.5395 (H. R. Russell et al.)
The X-ray luminous cluster underlying the z = 1.04 quasar PKS1229-021 [PDF]
H. R. Russell, A. C. Fabian, G. B. Taylor, J. S. Sanders, K. M. Blundell, C. S. Crawford, R. M. Johnstone, E. Belsole1201.5397 (Andrea Marinucci et al.)
The Link Between the Hidden Broad Line Region and the Accretion Rate in Seyfert 2 Galaxies [PDF]
Andrea Marinucci, Stefano Bianchi, Fabrizio Nicastro, Giorgio Matt, Andy D. Goulding1201.5446 (Yun-He Li et al.)
On initial condition of the new agegraphic dark energy model [PDF]
Yun-He Li, Jing-Fei Zhang, Xin Zhang1201.5491 (J. M. Budzynski et al.)
The radial distribution of galaxies in groups and clusters [PDF]
J. M. Budzynski, S. Koposov, I. G. McCarthy, S. L. McGee, V. Belokurov1201.5499 (Koki Kakiichi et al.)
Infra-red emission line tomography of the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization [PDF]
Koki Kakiichi, Avery Meiksin, Eric Tittley1201.5554 (I. K. Rozgacheva et al.)
Fractal properties of the large-scale structure [PDF]
I. K. Rozgacheva, A. A. Borisov, A. A. Agapov, I. A. Pozdneev, O. A. Shchetinina1201.5571 (Alvaro S. Iribarrem et al.)
Relativistic Cosmology Number Densities and the Luminosity Function [PDF]
Alvaro S. Iribarrem, Amanda R. Lopes, Marcelo B. Ribeiro, William R. Stoeger1201.5583 (T. Anguita et al.)
Galaxy scale lenses in the RCS2: I. First catalog of candidate strong lenses [PDF]
T. Anguita, L. F. Barrientos, M. D. Gladders, C. Faure, H. Yee, D. Gilbank1201.5591 (Johan Samsing et al.)
Measuring the 3D shape of X-ray clusters [PDF]
Johan Samsing, Andreas Skielboe, Steen H. Hansen1201.5606 (Lowell S. Brown et al.)
Leading Relativistic Corrections to the Kompaneets Equation [PDF]
Lowell S. Brown, Dean L. Preston1201.5617 (A. Kashlinsky et al.)
New measurements of the cosmic infrared background fluctuations in deep Spitzer/IRAC survey data and their cosmological implications [PDF]
A. Kashlinsky, R. G. Arendt, M. L. N. Ashby, G. G. Fazio, J. Mather, S. H. Moseley1201.5630 (Michael Berry et al.)
Stacked Rest-Frame UV Spectra of Ly$α$-Emitting and
Continuum-Selected Galaxies at 2 [ PDF]
Michael Berry, Eric Gawiser, Lucia Guaita, Nelson Padilla, Ezequiel Treister, Guillermo Blanc, Robin Ciardullo, Harold Francke, Caryl Gronwall
Thursday, January 26, 2012
1108.4376 (P. Naselsky et al.)
Is the CMB asymmetry due to the kinematic dipole? [PDF]
P. Naselsky, W. Zhao, J. Kim, S. Chen1109.0484 (Pierluigi Monaco et al.)
Schmidt-Kennicutt relations in SPH simulations of disc galaxies with effective thermal feedback from supernovae [PDF]
Pierluigi Monaco, Giuseppe Murante, Stefano Borgani, Klaus Dolag1110.1637 (Andrew B. Newman et al.)
Can Minor Merging Account for the Size Growth of Quiescent Galaxies? New Results from the CANDELS Survey [PDF]
Andrew B. Newman, Richard S. Ellis, Kevin Bundy, Tommaso Treu1111.5962 (Kyu Jung Bae et al.)
Cosmology of the DFSZ axino [PDF]
Kyu Jung Bae, Eung Jin Chun, Sang Hui Im1201.5114 (Tomer Tal et al.)
Observations of dark and luminous matter: the radial distribution of satellite galaxies around massive red galaxies [PDF]
Tomer Tal, David A. Wake, Pieter G. van Dokkum1201.5116 (Nickolay Y. Gnedin et al.)
Cooling and Heating Functions of Photoionized Gas [PDF]
Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Nicholas Hollon1201.5121 (F. Calura et al.)
The Lyman alpha forest flux probability distribution at z>3 [PDF]
F. Calura, E. Tescari, V. D'Odorico, M. Viel, S. Cristiani, T. -S. Kim, J. S. Bolton1201.5138 (Sudhir Raskutti et al.)
Thermal constraints on the reionisation of hydrogen by population-II stellar sources [PDF]
Sudhir Raskutti, James S. Bolton, J. Stuart B. Wyithe, George D. Becker1201.5149 (G. Trancho et al.)
Gemini Spectroscopic Survey of Young Star Clusters in Merging/Interacting Galaxies. IV. Stephan's Quintet [PDF]
G. Trancho, I. Konstantopoulos, N. Bastian, K. Fedotov, S. Gallagher, B. Mullan, J. Charlton1201.5155 (Jessie C. Runnoe et al.)
Updating quasar bolometric luminosity corrections [PDF]
Jessie C. Runnoe, Michael S. Brotherton, Zhaohui Shang1201.5159 (Jay M. Blanchard et al.)
High Resolution Rapid Response observations of compact radio sources with the Ceduna Hobart Interferometer (CHI) [PDF]
Jay M. Blanchard, James E. J. Lovell, Roopesh Ojha, Matthias Kadler, John M. Dickey, Philip G. Edwards1201.5180 (Prabhakar Tiwari et al.)
Polarization Alignment in JVAS/CLASS flat spectrum radio surveys [PDF]
Prabhakar Tiwari, Pankaj Jain1201.5210 (Curtis J. Saxton et al.)
Long-term X-ray variability of Swift J1644+57 [PDF]
Curtis J. Saxton, Roberto Soria, Kinwah Wu, N. Paul M. Kuin1201.5214 (E. Deriaz et al.)
Wavelet Helmholtz decomposition for weak lensing mass map reconstruction [PDF]
E. Deriaz, J. -L. Starck, S. Pires1201.5309 (Kei Yamamoto et al.)
Inflation with Multi-Vector-Hair: The Fate of Anisotropy [PDF]
Kei Yamamoto, Masa-aki Watanabe, Jiro Soda1201.5362 (George Kotsopoulos et al.)
A Domain Wall Solution by Perturbation of the Kasner Spacetime [PDF]
George Kotsopoulos, Charles C. Dyer1201.5371 (David L. Wiltshire et al.)
Hubble flow variance and the cosmic rest frame [PDF]
David L. Wiltshire, Peter R. Smale, Teppo Mattsson, Richard WatkinsWednesday, January 25, 2012
1101.5912 (Natasha Hurley-Walker et al.)
Bayesian analysis of weak gravitational lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich data for six galaxy clusters [PDF]
Natasha Hurley-Walker, Sarah Bridle, Eduardo S. Cypriano, Matthew L. Davies, Thomas Erben, Farhan Feroz, Thomas M. O. Franzen, Keith Grainge, Michael P. Hobson, Anthony Lasenby, P. J. Marshall, Malak Olamaie, Guy Pooley, Carmen Rodríguez-Gonzálvez, Richard D. E. Saunders, Anna M. M. Scaife, Michel P. Schammel, Paul F. Scott, Timothy Shimwell, David Titterington, Elizabeth Waldram, Jonathan T. L. Zwart1103.4619 (J. Alberto Vazquez et al.)
A Bayesian study of the primordial power spectrum from a novel closed universe model [PDF]
J. Alberto Vazquez, A. N. Lasenby, M. Bridges, M. P. Hobson1104.4015 (Patrick Valageas et al.)
Covariance matrices for halo number counts and correlation functions [PDF]
Patrick Valageas, Nicolas Clerc, Florian Pacaud, Marguerite Pierre1104.4507 (O. Erken et al.)
Axion Dark Matter and Cosmological Parameters [PDF]
O. Erken, P. Sikivie, H. Tam, Q. Yang1108.0769 (Andrea Morandi et al.)
Triaxiality, principal axis orientation and non-thermal pressure in Abell 383 [PDF]
Andrea Morandi, Marceau Limousin1111.4275 (M. J. S. Houndjo et al.)
Reconstructing $f(R,T)$ gravity from holographic dark energy [PDF]
M. J. S. Houndjo, Oliver F. Piattella1201.4994 (Naresh Dadhich et al.)
On the static Lovelock black holes [PDF]
Naresh Dadhich, Josep M. Pons, Kartik Prabhu1201.4848 (Sebastian Cespedes et al.)
On the importance of heavy fields during inflation [PDF]
Sebastian Cespedes, Vicente Atal, Gonzalo A. Palma1201.4858 (James M. Cline et al.)
Millicharged Atomic Dark Matter [PDF]
James M. Cline, Zuowei Liu, Wei Xue1201.4859 (Daniel R. Weisz et al.)
The Star Formation History of Leo T from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging [PDF]
Daniel R. Weisz, Daniel B. Zucker, Andrew E. Dolphin, Nicolas F. Martin, Jelte T. A. de Jong, Jon A. Holtzman, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Karoline M. Gilbert, Benjamin F. Williams, Eric F. Bell, Vasily Belokurov, N. Wyn Evans1201.4873 (Evghenii Gaburov et al.)
Magnetically-levitating disks around supermassive black holes [PDF]
Evghenii Gaburov, Anders Johansen, Yuri Levin1201.4878 (A. Papageorgiou et al.)
A Consistent Comparison of Bias Models using Observational Data [PDF]
A. Papageorgiou, M. Plionis, S. Basilakos, C. Ragone-Figueroa1201.4882 (R. R. Monje et al.)
Discovery of Hydrogen Fluoride in the Cloverleaf Quasar at z = 2.56 [PDF]
R. R. Monje, T. G. Phillips, R. Peng, D. C. Lis, D. A. Neufeld, M. Emprechtinger1201.4910 (Irina Marinova et al.)
The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. VIII. Barred Disk Galaxies in the Core of the Coma Cluster [PDF]
Irina Marinova, Shardha Jogee, Tim Weinzirl, Peter Erwin, Neil Trentham, Henry C. Ferguson, Derek Hammer, Mark den Brok, Alister W. Graham, David Carter, Marc Balcells, Paul Goudfrooij, Rafael Guzman, Carlos Hoyos, Bahram Mobasher, Mustapha Mouhcine, Reynier F. Peletier, Eric Peng, Gijs Verdoes Kleijn1201.4947 (Bunyo Hatsukade et al.)
Constraints on Obscured Star Formation in Host Galaxies of Gamma-ray Bursts [PDF]
Bunyo Hatsukade, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Kouji Ohta, Kouichiro Nakanishi, Yoichi Tamura, Kotaro Kohno1201.4950 (Nadine Neumayer et al.)
Are nuclear star clusters the precursors of massive black holes? [PDF]
Nadine Neumayer, C. Jakob Walcher1201.4988 (Ki-Young Choi et al.)
Analysis of techni-dilaton as a dark matter candidate [PDF]
Ki-Young Choi, Deog Ki Hong, Shinya Matsuzaki1201.4998 (David A. Wake et al.)
Revealing velocity dispersion as the best indicator of a galaxy's color, compared to stellar mass, surface mass density or morphology [PDF]
David A. Wake, Pieter G. van Dokkum, Marijn Franx1201.5018 (S. C. Gallagher et al.)
Looking for the Wind in the Dust [PDF]
S. C. Gallagher, J. E. Everett, S. K. Keating, A. R. Hill, R. P. Deo1201.5021 (Cristina Romero-Cañizales et al.)
EVN observations of the farthest and brightest ULIRGs in the local Universe: the case of IRAS 23365+3604 [PDF]
Cristina Romero-Cañizales, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Torres, Antxon Alberdi1201.5064 (M. F. Oliveira et al.)
Cosmic string evolution with a conserved charge [PDF]
M. F. Oliveira, A. Avgoustidis, C. J. A. P. Martins1201.5087 (Ivan De Martino et al.)
Measuring cosmological distances by coalescing binaries [PDF]
Ivan De Martino, Salvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis, Michelangelo FormisanoTuesday, January 24, 2012
1010.1518 (L. Herrera et al.)
Dynamical instability and the expansion-free condition [PDF]
L. Herrera, G. Le Denmat, N. O. Santos1103.0378 (Jun-Qing Xia et al.)
Cosmography beyond standard candles and rulers [PDF]
Jun-Qing Xia, Vincenzo Vitagliano, Stefano Liberati, Matteo Viel1105.5745 (Ming Yang Jeremy Tan et al.)
The reliability of the AIC method in Cosmological Model Selection [PDF]
Ming Yang Jeremy Tan, Rahul Biswas1107.4916 (Priyamvada Natarajan et al.)
The mass function of black holes at 1 [ PDF]
Priyamvada Natarajan, Marta Volonteri
1107.4962 (Masahiro Kawasaki et al.)
Isocurvature perturbations in extra radiation [PDF]
Masahiro Kawasaki, Koichi Miyamoto, Kazunori Nakayama, Toyokazu Sekiguchi1107.5548 (A. Gruppuso et al.)
WMAP 7 year constraints on CPT violation from large angle CMB anisotropies [PDF]
A. Gruppuso, P. Natoli, N. Mandolesi, A. De Rosa, F. Finelli, F. Paci1109.2589 (Andrew Brown et al.)
Extending the CRESST-II commissioning run limits to lower masses [PDF]
Andrew Brown, Sam Henry, Hans Kraus, Christopher McCabe1109.6234 (Timothy Clemson et al.)
Interacting Dark Energy -- constraints and degeneracies [PDF]
Timothy Clemson, Kazuya Koyama, Gong-Bo Zhao, Roy Maartens, Jussi Väliviita1110.3809 (Marco Cirelli et al.)
Consequences of DM/antiDM Oscillations for Asymmetric WIMP Dark Matter [PDF]
Marco Cirelli, Paolo Panci, Geraldine Servant, Gabrijela Zaharijas1201.4386 (Sarah H. Miller et al.)
The Assembly History of Disk Galaxies: II. Probing the Emerging
Tully-Fisher Relation During 1 [ PDF]
Sarah H. Miller, Richard S. Ellis, Mark Sullivan, Kevin Bundy, Andrew Newman, Tommaso Treu
1201.4385 (Alexander Tchekhovskoy et al.)
Prograde and Retrograde Black Holes: Whose Jet is More Powerful? [PDF]
Alexander Tchekhovskoy, Jonathan C. McKinney1201.4391 (M. Young et al.)
Variability Selected Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei in the 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South [PDF]
M. Young, W. N. Brandt, Y. Q. Xue, M. Paolillo, D. M. Alexander, F. E. Bauer, B. D. Lehmer, B. Luo, O. Shemmer, D. P. Schneider, C. Vignali1201.4394 (P. Santini et al.)
Enhanced star formation rates in AGN hosts with respect to inactive galaxies from PEP-Herschel observations [PDF]
P. Santini, D. Rosario, L. Shao, D. Lutz, R. Maiolino, D. M. Alexander, B. Altieri, P. Andreani, H. Aussel, F. E. Bauer, S. Berta, A. Bongiovanni, W. N. Brandt, M. Brusa, J. Cepa, A. Cimatti, E. Daddi, D. Elbaz, A. Fontana, N. M. Forster Schreiber, R. Genzel, A. Grazian, E. Le Floc'h, B. Magnelli, V. Mainieri, R. Nordon, A. M. Perez Garcia, A. Poglitsch, P. Popesso, F. Pozzi, L. Riguccini, G. Rodighiero, M. Salvato, M. Sanchez-Portal, E. Sturm, L. J. Tacconi, I. Valtchanov, S. Wuyts1201.4398 (Kari Helgason et al.)
Reconstructing the Near-IR Background Fluctuations from known Galaxy Populations using Multiband Measurements of Luminosity Functions [PDF]
Kari Helgason, Massimo Ricotti, Alexander Kashlinsky1201.4401 (R. A. Ortega-Minakata et al.)
What makes a galaxy radio-loud? [PDF]
R. A. Ortega-Minakata, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, H. Andernach, R. Coziol, J. M. Islas-Islas, I. Plauchu-Frayn, D. M. Neri-Larios, M. del C. Rojas-Granados1201.4473 (D. Cseh et al.)
Black Hole Powered Nebulae and a Case Study of the Ultraluminous X-ray Source IC342 X-1 [PDF]
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Dark energy with logarithmic cosmological fluid [PDF]
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Singularity phenomena in viable f(R) gravity [PDF]
Chung-Chi Lee, Chao-Qiang Geng, Louis Yang1201.4582 (R. Cerulli et al.)
Technical aspects in dark matter investigations [PDF]
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Inflation in general covariant theory of gravity [PDF]
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The dependence of the Lyman_a luminosity function on Redshift using SHARDS [PDF]
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CLUMPY: a code for gamma-ray signals from dark matter structures [PDF]
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A new third-order cosmic shear statistics: Separating E/B-mode correlations on a finite interval [PDF]
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Evidence for Quadratic Tidal Tensor Bias from the Halo Bispectrum [PDF]
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How supernova feedback turns dark matter cusps into cores [PDF]
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A modified star formation law as a solution to open problems in galaxy evolution [PDF]
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Low-mass X-ray binaries indicate a top-heavy stellar initial mass function in ultra compact dwarf galaxies [PDF]
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Studying the asymmetry of the GC population of NGC 4261 [PDF]
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Examining the Radio-Loud/Radio-Quiet dichotomy with new Chandra and VLA observations of 13 UGC galaxies [PDF]
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Dark Matter as an active gravitational agent in cloud complexes [PDF]
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Cosmological models with Yang-Mills fields [PDF]
E. Elizalde, A. J. Lopez-Revelles, S. D. Odintsov, S. Yu. Vernov1201.4371 (M. S. Pshirkov et al.)
Picogauss magnetic fields in voids from ultra-high energy cosmic rays [PDF]
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SMARTS optical and infrared monitoring of 12 gamma-ray bright blazars [PDF]
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The Effect of Absorption Systems on Cosmic Reionization [PDF]
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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Detection of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Groups and Clusters Associated with Luminous Red Galaxies [PDF]
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Testing the interaction of dark energy to dark matter through the analysis of virial relaxation of clusters Abell Clusters A586 and A1689 using realistic density profiles [PDF]
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Global fits of the cMSSM including the first LHC and XENON100 data [PDF]
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An Estimator for statistical anisotropy from the CMB bispectrum [PDF]
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Improving Correlation Function Fitting with Ridge Regression: Application to Cross-Correlation Reconstruction [PDF]
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Constraining large scale HI bias using redshifted 21-cm signal from the post-reionization epoch [PDF]
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Comparison of potential ASKAP HI survey source finders [PDF]
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Testing gravity with halo density profiles observed through gravitational lensing [PDF]
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X-rays as dominant excitation mechanism of [Fe ii] and H2 emission lines in active galaxies [PDF]
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Evolution of magnetic field in interacting galaxies [PDF]
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Phantom Cosmology without Big Rip Singularity [PDF]
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The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in A2199 [PDF]
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Dynamics of the Universe in Problems [PDF]
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X-type and Y-type junction stability in domain wall networks [PDF]
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Dissipative effects in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation [PDF]
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A Chandra view of the z=1.62 galaxy cluster IRC-0218A [PDF]
M. Pierre, N. Clerc, B. Maughan, F. Pacaud, C. Papovich, C. N. A. Willmer1201.3621 (Pau Amaro-Seoane et al.)
eLISA: Astrophysics and cosmology in the millihertz regime [PDF]
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PHL 1811 Analogs: A Population of X-ray Weak Quasars [PDF]
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Molecular hydrogen in Lyman Alpha Emitters [PDF]
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Fundamental statistical limitations of future dark matter direct detection experiments [PDF]
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Gravitational detection of a low-mass dark satellite at cosmological distance [PDF]
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An optical/NIR survey of globular clusters in early-type galaxies III. On the colour bimodality of GC systems [PDF]
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On the Origin of the High Column Density Turnover in the HI Column Density Distribution [PDF]
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CMB power spectrum parameter degeneracies in the era of precision cosmology [PDF]
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In-spiraling Clumps in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies [PDF]
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Substructure in the Most Massive GEEC Groups: Field-like Populations in Dynamically Active Groups [PDF]
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Feedback in the cores of clusters Abell 3581, 2A 0335+096, and Sersic 159-03 [PDF]
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High-redshift formation and evolution of central massive objects II: The census of BH seeds [PDF]
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On the origin of inflation [PDF]
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Star formation in LINER host galaxies at z~0.3 [PDF]
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Environmental effects on the bright end of the galaxy luminosity function in galaxy clusters [PDF]
R. Barrena, M. Girardi, W. Boschin, F. Mardirossian1201.3826 (G. Popping et al.)
An indirect measurement of gas evolution in galaxies at $0.5\leq z \leq 2.0$ [PDF]
G. Popping, K. I. Caputi, R. S. Somerville, S. C. Trager1201.3876 (Marcello Musso et al.)
One step beyond: The excursion set approach with correlated steps [PDF]
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Combining the Swift/BAT and the INTEGRAL/ISGRI observations [PDF]
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Identifying Luminous AGN in Deep Surveys: Revised IRAC Selection Criteria [PDF]
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Top-heavy IMFs in ultra compact dwarf galaxies? [PDF]
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Dark Matter decay and annihilation in the Local Universe: CLUES from Fermi [PDF]
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Constraints on Scalar Asymmetric Dark Matter from Black Hole Formation in Neutron Stars [PDF]
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The haloes of bright satellite galaxies in a warm dark matter universe [PDF]
Mark Lovell, Vincent Eke, Carlos Frenk, Liang Gao, Adrian Jenkins, Tom Theuns, Jie Wang, Simon White, Alexey Boyarsky, Oleg Ruchayskiy1106.5791 (Alexandra Abate et al.)
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Constraints on Shift-Symmetric Scalar-Tensor Theories with a Vainshtein Mechanism from Bounds on the Time Variation of G [PDF]
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Hydrodynamical simulations and semi-analytic models of galaxy formation: two sides of the same coin [PDF]
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Vacuum fluctuations of the supersymmetric field in curved background [PDF]
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SED fitting with MCMC: methodology and application to large galaxy surveys [PDF]
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Testing Yukawa-like potentials from f(R)-gravity in elliptical galaxies [PDF]
N. R. Napolitano, S. Capozziello, A. J. Romanowsky, M. Capaccioli, C. Tortora1201.3365 (Noam I. Libeskind et al.)
The cosmic web and the orientation of angular momenta [PDF]
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A kinematic classification of the cosmic web [PDF]
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Triggered star-formation in the inner filament of Centaurus A [PDF]
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Infrared and Ultraviolet Star Formation in Brightest Cluster Galaxies in the ACCEPT Sample [PDF]
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Red sequence modal colour gradients across intermediate X-ray luminosity galaxy clusters [PDF]
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Global Constraints on Effective Dark Matter Interactions: Relic Density, Direct Detection, Indirect Detection, and Collider [PDF]
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Optical and HI properties of isolated galaxies in the 2MIG catalog. I. General relationships [PDF]
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CORS Baade-Wesselink distance to the LMC NGC 1866 blue populous cluster [PDF]
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Pietro Parisi, for the IBIS Survey Team1201.3526 (Jean-Claude Waizmann et al.)
On the modelling of the excesses of galaxy clusters over high mass thresholds [PDF]
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A Mock Data Challenge for the Einstein Gravitational-Wave Telescope [PDF]
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Accuracy of photometric redshifts for future weak lensing surveys from space [PDF]
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On time variability and other complications in studying the UV broad absorption lines of quasars: results from numerical simulations of radiation driven disk winds [PDF]
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Gravity and Large-Scale Non-local Bias [PDF]
Kwan Chuen Chan, Roman Scoccimarro, Ravi K. ShethTuesday, January 17, 2012
1007.2594 (William Donnelly et al.)
Coupling the inflaton to an expanding aether [PDF]
William Donnelly, Ted Jacobson1012.1989 (L. J. Liivamägi et al.)
SDSS DR7 superclusters. The catalogues [PDF]
L. J. Liivamägi, E. Tempel, E. Saar1101.2197 (Tianjun Li et al.)
Blueprints of the No-Scale Multiverse at the LHC [PDF]
Tianjun Li, James A. Maxin, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Joel W. Walker1104.0300 (A. A. Hakobyan et al.)
Five supernova survey galaxies in the southern hemisphere. II. The supernova rates [PDF]
A. A. Hakobyan, A. R. Petrosian, G. A. Mamon, B. McLean, D. Kunth, M. Turatto, E. Cappellaro, F. Mannucci, R. J. Allen, N. Panagia, M. Della Valle1107.0727 (Daniel B. Thomas et al.)
Testing model independent modified gravity with future large scale surveys [PDF]
Daniel B. Thomas, Carlo R. Contaldi1107.2281 (Harry Nussbaumer et al.)
Who discovered the expanding universe? [PDF]
Harry Nussbaumer, Lydia Bieri1107.2557 (E. R. Bezerra de Mello et al.)
Topological Casimir effect in compactified cosmic string spacetime [PDF]
E. R. Bezerra de Mello, A. A. Saharian1108.0067 (Paul H. Frampton et al.)
Models for Little Rip Dark Energy [PDF]
Paul H. Frampton, Kevin J. Ludwick, Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov, Robert J. Scherrer1108.5458 (Ben Hoyle et al.)
A critical analysis of high-redshift, massive galaxy clusters: I [PDF]
Ben Hoyle, Raul Jimenez, Licia Verde, Shaun Hotchkiss1109.0285 (Carlo Giocoli et al.)
MOKA: a new tool for Strong Lensing Studies [PDF]
Carlo Giocoli, Massimo Meneghetti, Matthias Bartelmann, Lauro Moscardini, Michele Boldrin1110.1197 (C. Großberger et al.)
Structural variability of 3C 111 on parsec scales [PDF]
C. Großberger, M. Kadler, J. Wilms, C. Müller, T. Beuchert, E. Ros, R. Ojha, M. Aller, H. Aller, E. Angelakis, L. Fuhrmann, I. Nestoras, R. Schmidt, J. A. Zensus, T. P. Krichbaum, H. Ungerechts, A. Sievers, D. Riquelme1110.3326 (L. L. Cowie et al.)
The Faintest X-ray Sources from z=0-8 [PDF]
L. L. Cowie, A. J. Barger, G. Hasinger1201.2954 (Richard J. Cool et al.)
The Galaxy Optical Luminosity Function from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES) [PDF]
Richard J. Cool, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Christopher S. Kochanek, Michael J. I. Brown, Nelson Caldwell, Arjun Dey, William R. Forman, Ryan C. Hickox, Buell T. Jannuzi, Christine Jones, John Moustakas, Stephen S. Murray1201.2943 (E. Donoso et al.)
Origin of the 12um Emission Across Galaxy Populations from WISE and SDSS Surveys [PDF]
E. Donoso, Lin Yan, C. Tsai, P. Eisenhardt, D. Stern, R. J. Assef, D. Leisawitz, T. H. Jarrett, S. A. Stanford1201.2942 (Cinthya N. Herrera et al.)
ALMA CO and VLT/SINFONI H2 observations of the Antennae overlap region: mass and energy dissipation [PDF]
Cinthya N. Herrera, François Boulanger, Nicole P. H. Nesvadba, Edith Falgarone1201.2945 (C. Tortora et al.)
SPIDER - VII. The Central Dark Matter Content of Bright Early-Type Galaxies: Benchmark Correlations with Mass, Structural Parameters and Environment [PDF]
C. Tortora, F. La Barbera, N. R. Napolitano, R. R. de Carvalho, A. J. Romanowsky1201.2944 (Michael Koss et al.)
Understanding Dual AGN Activation in the Nearby Universe [PDF]
Michael Koss, Richard Mushotzky, Ezequiel Treister, Sylvain Veilleux, Ranjan Vasudevan, Margaret Trippe1201.2947 (Sanved Kolekar et al.)
Entropy increase law for black holes in Lanczos-Lovelock gravity [PDF]
Sanved Kolekar, T. Padmanabhan, Sudipta Sarkar1201.2948 (Alexander B. Balakin et al.)
Light propagation with non-minimal couplings in a two-component cosmic dark fluid with an Archimedean-type force and unlighted cosmological epochs [PDF]
Alexander B. Balakin, Vladimir V. Bochkarev, José P. S. Lemos1201.2967 (K. Abe et al.)
Search for Antihelium with the BESS-Polar Spectrometer [PDF]
K. Abe, H. Fuke, S. Haino, T. Hams, M. Hasegawa, A. Horikoshi, A. Itazaki, K. C. Kim, T. Kumazawa, A. Kusumoto, M. H. Lee, Y. Makida, S. Matsuda, Y. Matsukawa, K. Matsumoto, J. W. Mitchell, Z. Myers, J. Nishimura, M. Nozaki, R. Orito, J. F. Ormes, K. Sakai, M. Sasaki, E. S. Seo, Y. Shikaze, R. Shinoda, R. E. Streitmatter, J. Suzuki, Y. Takasugi, K. Takeuchi, K. Tanaka, N. Thakur, T. Yamagami, A. Yamamoto, T. Yoshida, K. Yoshimura1201.2987 (Kaushik Sarkar et al.)
Why Noether symmetry of F(R) theory yields three-half power law? [PDF]
Kaushik Sarkar, Nayem Sk., Soumendranath Ruz, Subhra Debnath, Abhik Kumar Sanyal1201.2988 (Adam S. Bolton et al.)
Getting Steeper: Mass-Density Profile Evolution in the SLACS+BELLS Strong Gravitational Lens Sample [PDF]
Adam S. Bolton, Joel R. Brownstein, Christopher S. Kochanek, Yiping Shu, David J. Schlegel, Daniel J. Eisenstein, David A. Wake, Natalia Connolly, Claudia Maraston, Benjamin A. Weaver1201.3009 (Alexander B. Balakin et al.)
Gradient models of the axion-photon coupling [PDF]
Alexander B. Balakin, Vladimir V. Bochkarev, Nadezhda O. Tarasova1201.3149 (John M. Cannon et al.)
On the Origin of the Supergiant HI Shell and Putative Companion in NGC 6822 [PDF]
John M. Cannon, Erin M. O'Leary, Daniel R. Weisz, Evan D. Skillman, Andrew E. Dolphin, Frank Bigiel, Andrew A. Cole, W. J. G. de Blok, Fabian Walter1201.3161 (S. P. O'Sullivan et al.)
Complex Faraday depth structure of Active Galactic Nuclei as revealed by broadband radio polarimetry [PDF]
S. P. O'Sullivan, S. Brown, T. Robishaw, D. H. F. M. Schnitzeler, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, I. J. Feain, A. R. Taylor, B. M. Gaensler, T. L. Landecker, L. Harvey-Smith, E. Carretti1201.3163 (Teruaki Suyama et al.)
Fully non-linear equivalence of delta N and covariant formalisms [PDF]
Teruaki Suyama, Yuki Watanabe, Masahide Yamaguchi1201.3176 (C. Palomba et al.)
Searches for continuous gravitational wave signals and stochastic backgrounds in LIGO and Virgo data [PDF]
C. Palomba, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, for the Virgo Collaboration1201.3185 (Garry W. Angus et al.)
A QUMOND galactic N-body code I: Poisson solver and rotation curve fitting [PDF]
Garry W. Angus, Kurt van der Heyden, Benoit Famaey, Gianfranco Gentile, Stacy S. McGaugh, W. J. G. de Blok1201.3187 (J. Jimenez-Vicente et al.)
A Robust Determination of the size of quasar accretion disks using gravitational microlensing [PDF]
J. Jimenez-Vicente, E. Mediavilla, J. A. Muñoz, C. S. Kochanek1201.3220 (M. Bondi et al.)
The nuclear starburst in Arp 299-A: From the 5.0 GHz VLBI radio light-curves to its core-collapse supernova rate [PDF]
M. Bondi, M. A. Perez-Torres, R. Herrero-Illana, A. Alberdi1201.3225 (Chris Simpson et al.)
Radio imaging of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field - III. Evolution of the radio luminosity function beyond z=1 [PDF]
Chris Simpson, Steve Rawlings, Rob Ivision, Masayuki Akiyama, Omar Almaini, Emma Bradshaw, Scott Chapman, Rob Chuter, Scott Croom, Jim Dunlop, Sebastien Foucaud, Will Hartley1201.3272 (Vincenzo F. Cardone et al.)
An updated analysis of two classes of f(R) theories of gravity [PDF]
Vincenzo F. Cardone, Stefano Camera, Antonaldo Diaferio1201.3280 (Philip Massey et al.)
Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Massive Binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. Introduction and Orbits for Two Detached Systems: Evidence for a Mass Discrepancy? [PDF]
Philip Massey, Nidia I. Morrell, Kathryn F. Neugent, Laura R. Penny, Kathleen-DeGioia Eastwood, Douglas R. Gies1201.3281 (M. J. F. Rosenberg et al.)
[FeII] as a tracer supernova rate [PDF]
M. J. F. Rosenberg, P. P. van der Werf, F. P. Israel1201.3284 (P. C. W. Davies et al.)
Cosmological bounds on tachyonic neutrinos [PDF]
P. C. W. Davies, Ian G. Moss1201.3319 (G. C. Privon et al.)
Modeling the Infrared Emission in Cygnus A [PDF]
G. C. Privon, S. A. Baum, C. P. O'Dea, J. Gallimore, J. Noel-Storr, D. J. Axon, A. Robinson1201.3329 (B. Epinat et al.)
MASSIV: Mass Assembly Survey with SINFONI in VVDS - II. Kinematics and close environment classification [PDF]
B. Epinat, L. Tasca, P. Amram, T. Contini, O. Le Fèvre, J. Queyrel, D. Vergani, B. Garilli, M. Kissler-Patig, J. Moultaka, L. Paioro, L. Tresse, F. Bournaud, C. López-Sanjuan, V. PerretMonday, January 16, 2012
1010.1269 (Andrew J. S. Hamilton et al.)
The interior structure of rotating black holes 1. Concise derivation [PDF]
Andrew J. S. Hamilton, Gavin Polhemus1105.2376 (M. Kuhlen et al.)
Dwarf galaxy formation with H2-regulated star formation [PDF]
M. Kuhlen, M. Krumholz, P. Madau, B. Smith, J. Wise1109.4416 (Simeon Bird et al.)
Massive Neutrinos and the Non-linear Matter Power Spectrum [PDF]
Simeon Bird, Matteo Viel, Martin G. Haehnelt1201.2365 (Chiu Man Ho et al.)
Dark Matter, Infinite Statistics and Quantum Gravity [PDF]
Chiu Man Ho, Djordje Minic, Y. Jack Ng1201.2681 (Sean M. O'Neill et al.)
Local Simulations of Instabilities in Relativistic Jets I: Morphology and Energetics of the Current-Driven Instability [PDF]
Sean M. O'Neill, Kris Beckwith, Mitchell C. Begelman1201.2683 (James B. Dent et al.)
Constraints on Light Hidden Sector Gauge Bosons from Supernova Cooling [PDF]
James B. Dent, Francesc Ferrer, Lawrence M. Krauss1201.2695 (Ralf S. Klessen et al.)
On the formation of very metal-poor stars: The case of SDSS J1029151+172927 [PDF]
Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover, Paul C. Clark1201.2697 (Jonathan D. Hernandez-Fernandez et al.)
UV to FIR catalogue of a galaxy sample in nearby clusters: SEDs and environmental trends [PDF]
Jonathan D. Hernandez-Fernandez, J. Iglesias-Paramo, J. M. Vilchez1201.2720 (Dennis Zaritsky et al.)
Testing Distance Estimators with the Fundamental Manifold [PDF]
Dennis Zaritsky, Ann I. Zabludoff, Anthony H. Gonzalez1201.2727 (Chao-Ling Hung et al.)
Galaxy Alignments in Very X-ray Luminous Clusters at z>0.5 [PDF]
Chao-Ling Hung, Harald Ebeling1201.2745 (Daisuke Yonetoku et al.)
Possible Origins of Dispersion of the Peak Energy--Brightness Correlations of Gamma-Ray Bursts [PDF]
Daisuke Yonetoku, Toshio Murakami, Ryo Tsutsui, Takashi Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Morihara, Keitaro Takahashi1201.2762 (L. Cortese et al.)
The dust scaling relations of the Herschel Reference Survey [PDF]
L. Cortese, L. Ciesla, A. Boselli, S. Bianchi, H. Gomez, M. W. L. Smith, G. J. Bendo, S. Eales, M. Pohlen, M. Baes, E. Corbelli, J. I. Davies, T. M. Hughes, L. K. Hunt, S. C. Madden, D. Pierini, S. di Serego Alighieri, S. Zibetti, M. Boquien, D. L. Clements, A. Cooray, M. Galametz, L. Magrini, C. Pappalardo, L. Spinoglio, C. Vlahakis1201.2763 (Ryo Tsutsui et al.)
Improvement of Fundamental Plane of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with cumulative light curve Morphology [PDF]
Ryo Tsutsui, Takashi Nakamura, Daisuke Yonetoku, Keitaro Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Morihara1201.2790 (Miguel Zumalacarregui et al.)
Tension in the Void: Cosmic Rulers Strain Inhomogeneous Cosmologies [PDF]
Miguel Zumalacarregui, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Pilar Ruiz-Lapuente1201.2810 (Dawei Xu et al.)
Correlation Analysis of a Large Sample of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: Linking Central Engine and Host Properties [PDF]
Dawei Xu, S. Komossa, Hongyan Zhou, Honglin Lu, Cheng Li, Dirk Grupe, Jing Wang, Weimin Yuan1201.2821 (M. Monelli et al.)
Variable Stars in the Cetus dSph Galaxy: Population Gradients and Connections with the Star Formation History [PDF]
M. Monelli, E. J. Bernard, C. Gallart, G. Fiorentino, I. Drozdovsky, A. Aparicio, G. Bono, S. Cassisi, E. D. Skillman, P. B. Stetson1201.2858 (Kimitake Hayasaki et al.)
Gravitational wave diagnosis of a circumbinary disk [PDF]
Kimitake Hayasaki, Kent Yagi, Takahiro Tanaka, Shin Mineshige1201.2862 (L. Herrera et al.)
Cylindrically Symmetric Relativistic Fluids: A General Study Based on Structure Scalars [PDF]
L. Herrera, A. Di Prisco J. Ospino1201.2895 (Daryl Haggard et al.)
Constraining Variable High Velocity Winds from Broad Absorption Line Quasars with Multi-Epoch Spectroscopy [PDF]
Daryl Haggard, Kenza S. Arraki, Paul J. Green, Tom Aldcroft, Scott F. Anderson1201.2901 (Marlos O. Ribas et al.)
Fermions in a Walecka-type cosmology [PDF]
Marlos O. Ribas, Pedro Zambianchi Jr., Fernando P. Devecchi, Gilberto M. Kremer1201.2908 (F. Combes et al.)
A bright z=5.2 lensed submillimeter galaxy in the field of Abell 773: HLSJ091828.6+514223 [PDF]
F. Combes, M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, E. Egami, F. Boone, I. Smail, J. Richard, R. J. Ivison, M. Gurwell, C. M. Casey, A. Omont, A. Berciano Alba, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, A. C. Edge, G. G. Fazio, J-P. Kneib, N. Okabe, R. Pello, P. G. Perez-Gonzalez, D. Schaerer, G. P. Smith, A. M. Swinbank, P. van der Werf1201.2913 (ShiAnne Kattner et al.)
The Standardizability of Type Ia Supernovae in the Near-Infrared: Evidence for a Peak Luminosity-Decline Rate Relation in the Near-Infrared [PDF]
ShiAnne Kattner, Douglas C. Leonard, Christopher R. Burns, M. M. Phillips, Gaston Folatelli, Nidia Morrell, Maximilian D. Stritzinger, Mario Hamuy, Wendy L. Freedman, Sven E. Persson, Miguel Roth, Nicholas B. Suntzeff1201.2916 (Michael A. DiPompeo et al.)
Reorienting Our Perspective of Broad Absorption Line Quasars [PDF]
Michael A. DiPompeo, Michael S. Brotherton, Carlos De Breuck, Sally Laurent-MuehleisenFriday, January 13, 2012
1106.3322 (Philip J. Humphrey et al.)
Tracing the Gas to the Virial Radius (R100) in a Fossil Group [PDF]
Philip J. Humphrey, David A. Buote, Fabrizio Brighenti, Helene M. L. G. Flohic, Fabio Gastaldello, William G. Mathews1107.0491 (Tessa Baker et al.)
Towards a fully consistent parameterization of modified gravity [PDF]
Tessa Baker, Pedro G. Ferreira, Constantinos Skordis, Joe Zuntz1107.2538 (Kazuharu Bamba et al.)
Domain wall solution in $F(R)$ gravity and variation of the fine structure constant [PDF]
Kazuharu Bamba, Shin'ichi Nojiri, Sergei D. Odintsov1108.2346 (Tatsuya Narikawa et al.)
Halo models in modified gravity theories with self-accelerated expansion [PDF]
Tatsuya Narikawa, Rampei Kimura, Tatsunosuke Yano, Kazuhiro Yamamoto1110.3119 (Sungwook E. Hong et al.)
Anthropic Likelihood for the Cosmological Constant and the Primordial Density Perturbation Amplitude [PDF]
Sungwook E. Hong, Ewan D. Stewart, Heeseung Zoe
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